1. Choose a physical object that has or had some special significance to you.

2. Reflect on its importance—do some free-writing or contemplation on the following questions:

  1. What does this object remind you of? It reminds me of all the fun moments I've shared with my friends who also play the game with me. 
  2. How does this object connect with your values? I'm big on letting myself and others express themselves and I think playing D&D has allowed me to do that much more.
  3. What meaning does this object hold? The short answer is that they mean a lot to me. The long version of that would probably be that it shows my love for the game I'm playing. Sometimes I'll get a dice set because it reminds me of a character I play and I'll use said dice for them. Also I know there's digital versions of different dice online, but there's something special about actually holding them in your hands.
  4. If you were to lose it how would you get it back? This one is actually a bit hard to answer because most of my sets (yes I have multiple) I can just buy again or try to look for them. But other sets, like my first one I got back in high school where the dice weren't even the same colors, that would be much harder to replace or get back. Maybe I could buy ones similar to them but it would still suck if they disappeared. 

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